
Sunday, February 28, 2021

How to win friends and influence people (part-2)

This post is the second part of "how to win friends and influence people" post.
In this post I will share some more principles from that book which were not covered in the previous post and learning these principles can be our good and easy effort to be better.Using these principles you can make people to like you and they can be your sheet anchor.Even a reticent can have a word with their colleages or anyone whom they want to talk by applying these principles.

Give honest and sincere appreciation:-The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important ,the desire to be great. Every normal human likes a compliment and feels good when you praise them.
The desire for a feeling of importance is one of the prime distinguishing feature between mankind and the animals,this desire makes you want to wear the trending styles, drive the latest bikes,cars and talk about your brilliant children and their achievements. Honest appreciation got results where criticism and ridicule failed. People will remember you when you give honest and sincere appreciation, people will cherish your words and repeat them years after you have forgotten them.

•Talk in terms of the other person's interests:- A mistake that everyone makes while interacting with others is that they talk with respect to their own interests but we do not know that other person is interested in our words or not.To make the person interested in you, break the ice by talking in terms of interest of person you are interacting with.  

•Show respect for the other person's opinions, never say "you are wrong":- This is the common mistake that every person make in their day to day life.If we are not satisfied with someone's opinions we directly say "you are wrong".

•Be Quick To Acknowledge Your Own Mistakes :-  Nothing will make people less defensive and more agreeable than you being humble and reasonable enough to admit your own mistakes. Having strong and stable personal and professional relationships relies on you taking responsibility for your actions, especially your mistakes. Nothing will help end tension or a disagreement more than a swift acknowledgment and apology on your part. 

Don’t Attempt To “Win” An Argument:-  The best way to win any argument, Carnegie writes, is to avoid it.Even if you completely dismantle someone’s argument with objective facts, you won’t be any closer to reaching an agreement than if you made personal arguments. Carnegie cited an old saying: “A man convinced against his will/Is of the same opinion still.”  

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