
Thursday, July 30, 2020

8 books for self improvement

Why should we read books and what are the benefits of reading?Instead of  wasti
ng time in social media and building castles in the air we can learn something new by reading some great books which will help us to improve our-self and for better development of our-self. 
Most of  the self-made billionaire read at least 2 book in a month. Bill gates richest person in the world also reads one book in a week.Warren Buffett used to read 600  to 1000 pages in his early days  and almost every successful person read book even after they have come off with flying colors. Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg etc they all read books.
 There are many benefits of reading books like they help us to increase our concentration, intelligence and it is proved  from many research that reading books help us to reduce stress levels and make us to feel good.
So, I will share 8 popular books which can help us to turn over a new leaf.

1.THE POWER OF HABIT by Charles Duhigg
  This book will help you to form New habits and how to to replace your bad habits with good ones.In The Power of Habit,award-winning new york times journalist Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries to explain why habits exist,and how they can be changed-to transform businesses,communities,and our lives. We all know that forming good habits is not a easy task but once they are formed our life becomes easy and comfortable ,on the other hand forming bad habits are very easy but ones formed they will make our life very difficult. Through this book,We can learn forming good habits, the author Charles Duhigg has explained many great principles that are of great value .


This book will help us to:-
 Get out of a mental rut, think new thoughts ,acquire new visions ,discover new ambitions.
Make friends quickly and easily.
Increase your popularity.
Win people to your way of thinking.
Increase your influence, your prestige, your ability to get things done.
Handle complaints avoid arguments keep your human contacts smooth and  pleasant.
Become a better speaker.

3.THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill
This is the most popular book under self-help category. Andrew Carnegie who was the richest person of his time once give an interesting offer to hill,he told him that he will help him to meet world's most successful and rich people who have done great in their life after that he has to gather all their wisdom and knowledge and then create a philosophical book from it and this book should be of such power that after reading it any common man can acquire the power of a becoming  successful and great but for this he will not pay him just help in meeting nothing else. Napoleon accepted this offer within a minute after which he spent 20 years of his life gathering wisdom  knowledge to make a book "think and grow rich" .There are many useful and important principles in this book.

 Worry affects everyone and descends with ease on work, 💰 money, family life and relationships. This book offers practical strategies for breaking out of this destructive habit, before it breaks you.
Dale Carnegie shows how worry has been conquered by thousands, some famous, but most just ordinary people and offer practical suggestions for leading a more positive and enjoyable life.

This is one of the popular self-help book that you will love to read it again and again. This book provide us the great habits of most successful and effective people that they have in them which even we all should  have in ourselves as they will be the master keys for a great life and for success.

6. THE 4 -HOUR WORK WEEK by Timothy Ferriss
This is a very famous and inspiring book, after reading this book you will understand that you can come out of your boring job life easily, and by doing smart work you can even earn a lot of money, that too while traveling the world without tension or stress.This book has  very valuable lessons .Don’t judge this book by its title, this book actually contains very useful concepts and points, that can help you to start your online business.

7. RICH DAD POOR DAD by Robert T.Kiyosaki
In this book author Robert Kiyosaki is giving us some very important financial advice by giving his life examples, where he is saying that he had two fathers,  One was his real father who was a professor and was a poor dad, whereas his second father was his friend’s father, who was his rich dad, and in this book his rich dad is teaching him how to become successful and rich, and how by following the principles and teachings of this rich dad the author himself become a millionaire, this book  will help you to learn many valuable facts.

8. START WITH WHY by Simon Sinek

This book is about a naturally occurring pattern ,a way of thinking,acting and communicating that gives some leaders the ability to inspire those around them.Although these"natural-born leaders" may have come into the world with a predisposition to inspire,the ability is not reserved for them exclusively.we can all learn this pattern.with a little discipline,any leader or organisation can inspire others,both inside and outside their organization,to help advance their ideas and their vision.We can all learn to lead.

This was the list of some good life changeable books and if you are not in the habit of reading book ,then make up your mind for reading and make it your daily habit. In starting do not set a big target of completing book by leaps and bounds (like in a single day or in 2-3 days ),this big target will be nipped in the bud .So start with a small goal of completing at least one page in a day to avoid the feeling of boredom.You can start with any of the above books and just after reading one book you will be in high spirits.

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