
Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Monotheism,where people only worship one god and belief in the existence of one god and do not worship other religions god .
Polytheism,the belief in existence of many gods.

What is wrong with worshipping other god that you don't follow and going to their places.
Don't you touch the legs of other's parent,relatives and take their blessings when you meet them.
Or do you take blessings from your parents only?
 I don't think so that someone only take blessings from their parents and don't touch the feet of their relatives.
If you are the one who don't take blessings from relatives and your elder one's then you are monotheist and I have no words for you.
If you are not then what is wrong with worshipping and visiting the god  you are not following.
The god you are following are like your parents and you can take blessings from others gods as blessings from your relatives.